Monday, March 25, 2013

Updates and Perspective

Well gang, I've been a little MIA lately. 

I would like to say it's for good reason, but these reasons aren't good. But they're real. 

We had an emergency happen with Jon's family last weekend, and we are all trying to ban together and get through this as the strong, cohesive, supportive and loving family that we are. 

I find it funny how often I get bogged down with the little stuff in life that is SO insignificant. Here I was, worrying about my first-world problems. Oh, my beautiful home isn't selling as fast as I want it to, whoa is me. Oh, I'm 33 weeks pregnant with a healthy, perfect baby and I'm having trouble sleeping. Waaaa waaaa. I guess someone decided I needed a little perspective in my life.

And I got it. 

Sometimes we know why things don't work out right away. Sometimes we never know. But I can say without a doubt that the biggest source of stress in my life over the last 3 months seems SO trivial after this past week. I am SO grateful that our contract fell through, because I cannot imagine being forced to move out of our house this weekend. Right now, the only thing I'm craving is normalcy and stability, and moving out of our home that we love by this weekend would be insanity. There's just no way we could have made that work and still have been able to be there for our family. 

Sometimes I hate when the adage "Everything happens for a reason" is proven to be true. It's so cliche, which is why I hate it, but it's also shockingly accurate.

Whenever I start to feel like this is all getting to be too much at once, I take a look at my life and I am reminded, for the millionth time, how lucky I am. Family is so important, and I am so proud of the example we are setting for Emerson. We're there for each other, no matter what, and when one falters, we all falter, but we will always have people there to carry us the rest of the way.


  1. Hope everything is okay with the family stuff! Sometimes it's just what we need to get a scary little reminder about what's really important in life...really puts things in perspective. Hugs!

  2. I love you guys so so much! Been thinking and praying for you all!

  3. Hope everything is ok! :-\ and you take it easy mama!

  4. Hope everything is ok! :-\ and you take it easy mama!
