Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September 22, 2013

Anna is doing much better today. Overnight, they commented that this was the best she has looked since she arrived. She is smiling like crazy this morning! That first smile had me sobbing. It was the first time since we've been here that I have actually felt like we'll get our Anna back.

All of her vital signs and levels are up significantly from yesterday too. They will still likely have to drain more fluid from her head today to keep her comfortable, but it's been 24 hours since the last one. They were draining it about every 6-8 hours before, so any improvement makes me ecstatic.

Many people don't believe in signs, but I think most would agree that coincidences happen all the time. Some believe it's just that... coincidence, while others believe that 
the timing has some other important message behind it.

So it's hard for me not to see the coincidence in Anna's sudden improvement today. Today is September 22, exactly 3 years since we lost Anna's brother, Jack Benjamin. 

I guess I could view this coincidence as a sign that the whole month of September sucks and that we should all stay in a bubble this month every year because it's the worst month ever.

Or, I could see it as a tiny sign that maybe there's a tiny angel in heaven looking out for his little sister today. 

I think I'll go with the latter.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Audra,

    You don't know me yet, but I too have a baby who was born in December 2011 and I hate to admit I've been a lurker for quite some time now! I saw you a few times on the Bump and your story touched me so I've stayed around. :-)

    I'm sorry it's taken me this long to say hi and introduce myself but I couldn't help but say something now. I just wanted you to know how inspired by you I am. You're an amazing mother, and an incredibly strong person. I don't know many people who could go through what you have and handle it with such grace. I'm so sorry for what is happening to your family and your precious little girl right now. I can't even imagine how hard it must be. Just know that a complete stranger and her little family have been touched by you and your story, and that we'll be praying for your Anna tomorrow. Although I've never been in the same situation, my son was in the pediatric ward when he was an infant and I know how stressful that alone is. Keep being the strong woman you are and I'm sure everything will go perfect and she'll be her happy little self again in no time. After all, you've got a pretty amazing angel on your side! I don't believe it was a coincidence at all that she felt better on that day....I 100% believe it was her brother lending a helping hand.

    Take care,

