I am so touched by all of the comments, Facebook messages, texts, and emails regarding our big news yesterday. I truly have the greatest family, friends, and blog friends a girl could ask for.
I also got quite a few questions, so let me try and answer some of them.
Yes, we are indeed pregnant :)
My official due date is May 12, 2013. Three days from our anniversary, and 2 days from my birthday. You see, in our family we like to cram as many life-changing events as possible into the same week. Hence why Emerson was due on Christmas and 3 days after Jon's birthday. But she was 2 weeks early... maybe her sibling will be too???
They will be 17 months apart. People either have one of two reactions to this: One is "Wow, that's so great, they'll be close in age!" or the other "Wow, good luck with
Listen here. Am I terrified of having two under 2?? Absolutely. Do I have
any doubt that Jon and I can handle it? Not one. When you've been through what we've been through, things that are a big deal for some are no sweat for us. And as I've learned with Emerson, every "phase" is over so quickly. I know I'll get zero sleep for awhile, and it
will be hard at times, but no one signs up for parenting thinking it's going to be a piece of cake. And I will gladly take two babies in diapers if it means that those babies are
healthy, happy and in my arms.
"Was this planned?" Ugh. If I had a dollar for every time I was asked THAT awkward question, I'd have... alot of dollars. Please, do me a favor and never ask someone that. If they are telling you they are pregnant, clearly they are having a baby, and therefore whether it was "planned" or not, that baby is on the way, and the
only thing you should say is "Congratulations!" Trust me.
"How are you feeling??" Well, frankly, for the past 12 weeks I've felt like garbage sauce. HAHA. So very tired and just nauseous basically 24 hours a day. I am finally starting to feel normal again (REJOICE!) and though the nausea did kick my butt this time, it actually went by pretty fast. Let me just say that I have subsisted entirely on Asiago bagels, meatball subs, and spaghetti (not even whole grain spaghetti-gasp!). When this baby is born addicted to carbs, I will have no one to blame but myself.
But anyway, a few months ago I wrote
this post about wanting baby #2. We knew we wanted more children, we just didn't know when the "right time" would be. Luckily, that decision was made for us. A month later, I peed on a stick, and here we are! :)
There was no worrying about getting pregnant. No timing, no test taking, no planned "married people time." I know that trying to get pregnant is very consuming and stressful for many couples (we've been there) and I am very grateful we didn't have to worry about it this time. It happened because it was supposed to happen.
The timing couldn't be better. I'll have the baby after school gets out, but I'll be back before the students get back. So the only time off work I'm missing is our slowest time of year. And I'll have the whole summer off with my two precious babies.
So far, all looks healthy and perfect with this little one. PLEASE GOD take care of this little one for the next 25 weeks.
The anxiety this time around has been much better than it was with Emerson. But I still have my panic moments, and my sleepless nights. I probably won't relax until I pass the 21 week milestone, and even then, let's be honest, until he/she is in my arms.
But this baby, just like Emerson, deserves as much love, attention, and positive energy as I can give. I am treating this pregnancy like it will be my last. You just never know. So instead of freaking out all the time, I want to enjoy every moment, just like I did with Jack and Emerson.
Thanks again for all the well wishes - here we go!!!!